Well, friends, we're heading out in just under three weeks. We're leaving behind our beloved orange house to go vagabonding. Vagabonding, by definition, that means we don't know what we'll be doing, and when we'll be doing it, or where. We had plans, and many of them fell through. We can't get ahold of people we had hoped to stay with, and everything is up in the air, and sometimes I'm fine with that. What we do know is that we're flying to Heathrow airport on March 10, we've got a couple of service work/missions gigs in the UK and Spain, and then we're flying home to portland on June 2. I imagine that we'll visit the UK, France, Slovakia, Spain and Morocco, but the way this trip is going, it's all pretty flexible. There are other missions opportunities that we've heard about, but nothing is for sure. This is such an adventure for us.
We think this trip was God's idea, and since we believe that, we have to believe that he's got the details figured out. Sometimes I'm able to relax into that, and sometimes, not so much. I've traveled a lot of places in the world, but never for more than a couple weeks. I'm nervous, excited, a bit stressed. There are so many things I have no control over. I guess that's part of the point. We've been working on our packing lists and wondering if we'll need everything we're taking. What items of clothing will be dumped in Paris? What will we wish we had in Slovakia?
Please join us as we travel around, look at things, talk to people, get grumpy at each other, eat good food, drink wine, take pictures, etc. We'd love to have you along for the ride.
Fritz and Shannon
p.s. prayer requests
-our finances- two words: "jacked up". Please pray that they become less so
-connections: we know that God has people for us to hook up with, to stay with or to encourage, or just to get to know. Pray that it all happens as it should.
I will definitely keep you both in my prayers. I know it will be an awesome trip for you.
You both better post pictures :D
Be safe and have fun! I'm sure I'll see you before you go, but everything will go fine.
- Briana
Shannon! You probably don't remember me. I came to project night a few times with Julia Lodge. I just wanted to encourage you to enjoy this time!
I have some friends who did something similar last year, and they lived in their CAR! :) Here is their blog, you might find it interesting and motivational! http://philipandkate.blogspot.com/
Have a wonderful time, and God go with you...
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