Thursday, February 25, 2010

Do you want to know what Nicaragua is like?

Nicaragua is-

Waking up at five in the morning with the roosters and all the other tropical birds.

Rice and beans.

The smell of burning garbage.

A lime right off the tree. Or an orange. Or lemon.

Blackouts most evenings, but they only last 5 or 10 minutes.

Dollar pineapples.

Passengers sitting sidesaddle on a bicycle in front of the rider.

Dust and manure.

Fried chicken so hot you can't touch it, and incredibly tasty, for $2.

The way to say that a person is carrying extra weight is to say that they are more beautiful.

The singing swish of vulture's wings, flying low overhead.

If you're moving, you're sweating. If you stand still in the shade, the breeze takes care of you.

When you hear the ringing of little bells, you know the popsicle cart guy is coming down your street, and you can get your fix for a quarter.

Fried sweet plantains.

A dozen mandarin oranges for 75 cents.

Overdubbed american TV shows.

Crickets and dogs barking at night.

El Salvadoran Pupusas, hot off the grill, with cheese inside.


Larissa Elaborates said...

When you listed the roosters and tropical birds waking you up in the morning, I was going to ask about strange bug noises waking you up too. You did mention crickets, are there other more exotic bugs making crazy sounds?
I remember waking up in Kenya on my first morning there and being blown away by the different bird calls and bug noises I was hearing.
When we were in Nairobi, we would have blackouts sometimes, but more often we would have brownouts, where the lights would just go dim, but not all the way out. Boy, your list makes me wish I could travel again.... someday... maybe...I hope! Thanks for the post, Shan! Love to you and Fritz.

The Ariahadi Family said...

Reading this list helps me feel like I'm there with you just a little...that's nice.