Sunday, December 27, 2009

Heading off again

It's been a long, long time since we published anything on this blog. Oh, just checked, and it was June 2008, when we'd just got back from Europe and I was starting Nursing school. Well, I'm done with that adventure now, having graduated last weekend!!! (Don't I look happy!)

It's time to travel again, and this time we are going to Thailand for two weeks, then Nicaragua for the months of February and March. We're pretty excited to be on the road again, ready for some adventures and thinking time outside our daily lives. We both are going to try to do some writing, take lots of pictures, learn some language, eat some good stuff and stay healthy.

Stay tuned on this blog for the updates!


Larissa Elaborates said...

you do look happy and lovely in that photo! Congrats again!
Lots 'o' love,

Deanne said...

Have a wonderful time! We just spent 9 days in New York City to celebrate our 10 year anniversary, which was so much fun!