As Shannon mentioned, it really has been a wonderful week of rest, prayer, reflection, writing, editing, and ministry here on the Mediterranean coast. I’ve enjoyed it immensely, and feel refreshed and ready for the rest of our travels. The Lord specifically led us here, and now we see why. If we’d kept moving and adventuring continuously on this trip, it would have been too much. As it is, we feel rested, ready, and like the Lord has had plenty of time to speak to us about a number of things. Plus, we’ve had some specific opportunities to counsel and care for some people here, which has been a real joy.
We’ve been talking about how to rearrange parts of our life back home, so it doesn’t feel so cluttered. Specifically we’ve been talking about our house. The idea came to us to move my office from the crammed 10x12 foot upstairs room, where I run 2 businesses and my artwork, and which often spills into the living and dining rooms. It is always cluttered and piled with stuff do to and stuff to arrange. We’ve decided to move it downstairs into the ‘new’ room I built some time ago, tripling my space. I’m really excited about this. Room to spread out, room to work, room to breathe.
Speaking of offices, this has been my office in Spain:

The view is great, the breeze cool and lovely, the light wonderful.
Shannon and I have always had the desire to run a hospitality house. It’s something of a buried desire, one we don’t have time for and barely room for. It’s something we submit to the Lord and wait for his timing on. We’ve always wanted to have a house and space in the country in which to host people, give them rest. A retreat, private, open for people to come and be quiet, reflect, pray, hear from the Lord. A place for people to be refreshed, and from which they can return to their normal lives and ministries with new strength, insight, and direction. I’d not only enjoy hosting, but also designing and building and caring for such a place. And Shannon is an excellent hostess and cook. Being at two such places now in Europe has only intensified this desire. But we’ll continue to give it back to Jesus, and see when and if he desires for this to become a reality someday. We’ll see.
Is there enough room for another desk? Just kidding...
Yes, put me down for some space there too!
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