Monday, April 21, 2008

Typing with a French Accent

Hey, it's Fritz. Did you know that the British have a different keyboard than the Americans? Some punctuation here and there different or missing, the Enter key pushed further to the right so you hit a punctuation mark rather than Enter. But then you go to France...and it's really different. Whole letters are moved around. They have twice as much punctuation. The @ symbol is hard to find and requires a special key to get to. The place where a letter should be under one finger is a bunch of punctuation. Whew!

If we talk we have an accent. If we type we have an accent. We just can't win!

This is zhqt q sentence zould look like if I typed nor,qlly on this keyboqrdm pretty funny; huh§ Sounds like I hqve q funny qccent even zhen typing: You should try reqding this out loudm I bet it zould be auite hilqrious1

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe next time you should bring an american keyboard if that would help.

Hope you are having fun.

PS I am starting an Internship with the Forest Service this Thursday.